
health care

New Rule May Help Veterans Pay for Non-VA Emergency Care

The Expansion of Veteran Eligibility for Reimbursement Act created options to help qualifying veterans who had to pay for emergency care at non-VA facilities. But there were issues around certain aspects of the Act. Now, in February 2023, the VA has created a “final rule.” It provides, among other things, VA payments for non-VA emergency room care for certain veterans who have sought emergency care since 2010. Learn more.


Ultimate TRICARE Guide

TRICARE: Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding Benefits and Coverage; Navigate TRICARE with Ease: Learn About Benefits and Coverage Today! Read more.

TRICARE for Spouses and Dependents

Get comprehensive information about TRICARE health insurance options for your spouse and dependents. Ensure your family stays healthy and happy. Learn more.



Discover the basics of TRICARE health insurance, including coverage options and how to access care. Get the support you need to stay healthy. Read more.