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Military & Veteran Benefits

This generation of veterans and servicemembers have access to the best benefits of any era in history. From the VA Home Loan program, to the GI Bill you can save you money, enhance your career opportunities and even change your life. Don’t miss out on any of the military and veteran benefits you have earned.


Military Benefits Changes and Updates 2024

Disabled Veterans May Get Expanded Retirement Benefits

A bipartisan push in Congress could provide nearly 42,000 combat-injured veterans with expanded retirement benefits.  They would be eligible to receive both disability compensation and retired pay. The bill, if passed, would allow disabled veterans who were medically retired before serving 20 years to receive their full military benefits. 

Veteran Caregivers Act

Legislation Improves VA Caregiver Programs: TEAM Veteran Caregivers Act

The VA offers many resources for caregivers of veterans. These programs support some of the most important members of veteran’s clinical care teams – caregivers. Reports of veterans and caregivers losing access to these valuable resources have recently led to the Transparency and Effective Accountability Measures (TEAM) for Veteran Caregivers Act.

Defense Budget Updates for 2021

2022 Defense Budget Proposal: What It Means For You

NDAA 2022: Defense Budget Proposal and 2021 Updates The White House has requested almost $270 billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs budget for 2022. This is a 10% increase from 2021. This does include a discretionary budget request of $117.2 billion with medical care collections, and a mandatory funding request of $152.7 billion.  **… Read more »

VA Benefits for family members

VA Benefits for Family Members, Survivors, and Family Caregivers

Do you know about all of the VA benefits you and your loved ones may qualify for? This list can help you make sure you’re not missing out on health care, life insurance, or financial assistance. If you’re receiving benefits, there are resources to help you learn more about how to manage those benefits.

military child remote learning assistance

Financial Assistance for Your Military Child’s Remote Learning 

Families who are still having to participate in virtual learning or the hybrid form have had to shift their expenses to include the extra costs for their children. These expenses may include laptops, tablets, headphones, or other supplies. If you and your family need assistance, it’s best to check if you are able to receive financial support through the military relief society.

affordable states for veterans

Top 10 Most Affordable States for Veterans

Whether you retired out of the military or separated before retirement you will want to make sure to live in a state where your money will go far. So, we’ve compiled a list of the Top 10 most affordable states to live after your military service.

iava marijuana reclassification

IAVA Pushing For Reclassification of Marijuana

IAVA is bringing focus to the positive uses of marijuana, specifically in the potential therapeutic treatment of PTSD. In early October of last year, they refiled an amicus brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit urging the challenging of the DEA’s restrictive classification of cannabis.

vaccine veterans

VA Begins COVID-19 Vaccination

Vaccinating a huge population, like veterans, requires strategic planning and collaboration between organizations to ensure the vaccines are distributed safely and effectively. The VA released a COVID-19 Vaccination Plan for the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) to do just that in Dec 2020. Important aspects of this plan are summarized in the following article.