Jobs with the Best Career Opportunities

Best Career Opportunities in the US
The best career opportunities can change over the years. This is based on how the world is going, what is important to people, and different trends related to population and culture.
Glassdoor reported in a study a few years ago that being a tax manager was the best career opportunity, with a medium base salary of $112,021 a year and 4,803 job openings. The study analyzed millions of employee reviews on Glassdoor to identify the 25 jobs with the best career opportunities in the United States.
The results showed careers in different fields, not just tech as some may have thought. The results can be good for helping a new college student decide which direction to go in or helping others figure out a new career path.
The report used the criteria of a median base salary over $80,000 a year or more, of 2,000 job openings or more, and a career opportunities rating of 1-5, with 5 being the strongest. Using this, the tax manager career had a rating of 4.1, which you can compare to the average of 3.0 across all the jobs on the Glassdoor website.
Top 10 Jobs with the Best Career Opportunities
1 Tax Manager
2 Salesforce Developer
3 Product Designer
4 Strategy Manager
5 HR Manager
6 Audit Manager
7 Data Scientist
8 Business Development Manager
9 Java Developer
10 Marketing Manager
You can view the rest of the jobs as well as the ratings and stats, on the Glassdoor report. Based on this report, many of the jobs are in the six-figures, or close to six figures. Their ratings are all 3.6 and above and have between 2,010 and 12,865 job openings on Glassdoor.
Best Jobs in America Report
If you take a look at previous Glassdoor’s Best Jobs in America listings, you can see that in years past, data scientists came in at #1 with a salary of $108,000, with a nursing manager at #2 with a salary of $83,000, a marketing manager at #3 with a salary of $82,000, an occupational therapist at #4 with a salary of $74,000, and a product manager at #5 with a salary of $115,000.
US News “Best Jobs”
However, according to one U.S. News article software developers were rated the highest. This is because the job not only offers flexible hours, which is so important in today’s world but also remote work which is becoming more and more common. The job also invests in the individual’s personal and professional development.
A software developer has a median annual income of over $100,000 and those who work as one do so in computer systems, design, manufacturing, and finance. The article also listed a statistician as #2, a physician assistant as #3, and a dentist as #4. Health care occupations have also continued to show promise with high salaries and low unemployment rates.
How did that measure up in later years? U.S News announced its top ten best jobs for 2022, containing the following:
1 Information Security Analyst
2 Nurse Practitioner
3 Physician Assistant
4 Medical and Health Services Manager
5 Software Developer
6 Data Scientist
7 Financial Manager
8 Statistician
9 Lawyer
10 Speech-Language Pathologist
As you can see, healthcare professions make up over a 3rd of this list. A software developer is now rated as #5. As the world has changed quite a bit from 2019, this ranking makes a bit of sense. It is possible that health care positions will keep moving up the list in the years to come due to the pandemic, as well as the aging baby boomer generation.
How Were the Best Jobs Calculated?
To calculate these job rankings, U.S. News received data from the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics to identify the jobs, with the greatest hiring demand. Jobs are scored based on:
- 10-year growth volume
- 10-year growth percentage
- Median salary
- Unemployment rate
- Future job prospects
- Stress level
- Work-life balance
All of these jobs listed in the top ten earn $80,000 or more per year, with most being over $100,000 at the time the reports were written.
What Data Scientists and Software Developers Have In Common
According to this article by Barron’s, programming languages such as Java, Python, R, Hadoop, and SQL are used by data scientists and software developers. Companies such as Google, Aetna, and Microsoft look to hire people with these types of skills. With each receiving a six-figure salary, becoming either a data scientist or software developer may be worth considering as a career option.
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