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life skills deployment

3 Life Skills You Need For Deployment

Ah, deployments, one of the most celebrated times in a veteran’s career. For many service members, deployments are a chance to flex and utilize the military’s skillsets through hours of instruction and repetitive practice. However, as effective as the military is in preparing personnel for their jobs or mission, specific gaps, usually not covered by military training, can appear based on the deployment’s nature and location. These gaps typically involve the use of life skills to solve correctly.

On This Date: 4th of July History

The History of the 4th of July

Beyond the fireworks, bbqs, and spending time with friends and family, Independence Day is arguably the most important holiday in United States history. Everyone knows the story of our founding fathers writing up the Declaration of Independence and claiming their independence from Great Britain as a free nation. However, that is a fraction of the… Read more »