
Military Myths

myths service duty station

Military Myths Debunked About Your 1st Duty Station

So finally, you made it through MEPS, reception and survived your branch’s grueling boot camp and advanced training for your military occupational specialty (MOS). Now the day has arrived, and you are reporting to your first unit. There are several moments in the military that every Service Member remembers and reporting to their first unit is one of those moments.

male military spouse

Myths and Tips for the Male Military Spouse

Civilian males married to service members exist, but are a minority. Depending on the size of a command there may only be one or two male spouses in total. Therefore, it can be challenging for men to find connections in military circles. Here are some myths debunked to help the men out there adjust to life as a spouse.

military boot camp myths

Military Myths About Boot Camp

Boot Camp Myths So, the day has finally arrived. You have left your reception site and began the long journey that is known as boot camp. There are many myths about boot camp.  You should know that boot camp is mostly a mind game. It is designed to take the civilian out of you and… Read more »

military bootcamp myths

Military Myths: Prepping for Boot Camp

Prepping for Boot Camp Military boot camp is like nothing you have ever experienced. However, the rigid routine and absolute control over every aspect of your life are several times worse than normal military duty, and that is by design. It’s the job of the Training Instructor (TI), Drill Instructor (DI) and Drill Sergeant (DS)… Read more »

joining the military myths

Military Myths: Joining the Military

Military Myths About Joining the Military Only about 7% of Americans have served in the armed forces.  And only one half of of 1% serve in it today.  It is no small wonder that in the ever increasing social media landscape, there are areas infested with myths and misunderstandings regarding military service. To help individuals… Read more »