AARP Military Discount for Veterans
AARP is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all as we age. AARP offers a special military discount on membership for veterans. Learn more.
AARP is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for all as we age. AARP offers a special military discount on membership for veterans. Learn more.
Adding dependents to your veteran benefits can be a complex process. Learn what documents you need and how to file them. Learn more.
In 2024, the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense made changes to the rules for accessing VA benefits with military discharges that formerly didn’t allow access. If you received a bad conduct discharge or an other-than-honorable discharge in the past you may have assumed you didn’t qualify for VA benefits. But that… Read more »
Disabled veterans and retirees may be in for a major cost-of-living adjustment. Find out what this could mean for your finances and how to prepare. Read more.
Get the latest updates on the VA’s Veteran Crisis Hotline, and find the resources and support you need to cope with the unique challenges of being a veteran. Learn more.
Do you need to know about VA home loan eligibility requirements? Most who serve on active duty today are required to serve 90 continuous days on active duty before they can apply for a VA Certificate of Eligibility for a VA home loan. But what about members of the National Guard or the Reserve? What about veterans who retired or separated from active duty service years ago?
There have been many developments in the military community in the last week of June 2022. Here’s a roundup of some of the important stories from the last week affecting currently serving troops, military families, and veterans. These stories aren’t necessarily the breaking news when it comes to defense tech, troop deployments, or other issues;… Read more »
When was the last time you explored your VA loan options? If it’s been a while, some aspects of the program may be quite different for you.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) added nine respiratory cancers to a list of presumptive conditions leading to service-connected disabilities. These cancers are rare and would likely stem from toxic military exposures like burn pits. The 9 Rare Cancers The following respiratory cancers have been added to the VA’s list of presumptive conditions: Squamous cell… Read more »
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which is a perfect time to talk about an initiative from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) called Make the Connection. Make The Connection: A Mental Health Resource The VA has collected stories from veterans who explain the challenges they’ve faced during and after their military service. These veteran… Read more »