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Jockey Military Discount

Jockey Military Discount

Jockey International is a manufacturer, distributor, and retailer of underwear, sleepwear, and sportswear for men, women, and children. They offer a 10% military discount.

What is the discount?

Jockey offers a 10% military discount.

Who’s Eligible?

Active duty, veterans, retirees, military spouses, and military families qualify for this discount.

How Do You Get the Discount?

You would verify your military status with ID.me.

Can This Discount Be Used Online?


About Jockey

Jockey was originally called Coopers Inc. and was founded by Samuel T. Cooper in St. Joseph, Missouri in 1876 as a hosiery business. In 1934, they sold the world’s first briefs. They are now in over 120 countries, and about 28 states. Their headquarters are in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

For more info, please go here.


About the author

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Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.