MySECO: 4 Reasons Military Spouses Need to Take Advantage

A military spouse who is re-entering the workforce after a long period of unemployment may need extra support to get back into a career. Many military spouses can benefit from help with resume preparation and career coaching, and that’s where MySECO comes in.
Military spouses face unique career challenges. Our lives may be put on hold for years while we support our serving spouse’s career, all while raising children, surviving deployments, and navigating multiple moves. Our educational plans may be interrupted, job choices may be limited, and we often find ourselves unemployed, underemployed, or limited to volunteer work.
What is MySECO?
To help meet these challenges above, the Department of Defense offers the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program (also known as MySECO) through MySECO offers multiple resources to help military spouses complete their education and navigate their own career paths.
If you are a military spouse needing career support, start with MySECO. Don’t pass up the free career-building benefits that are yours as a military spouse!
What Does MySECO Offer?
Career Coaching
Through the MilitaryOneSource Spouse Career Center, free career coaching services are available to all eligible military spouses. Career coaches can help with:
- Career Exploration: Exploring career interests and skills.
- Education, Training, and Licensing: Learning about education options and license and credential requirements.
- Employment Readiness: Preparing to join or re-enter the workforce, as well as sharpening career skills.
- Career Connections: Finding network and career opportunities.
- Specialized Coaching Packages: MySECO offers specialized coaching packages in the following areas: career readiness, entrepreneurial spouse, reentering the workforce, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), health care, intelligence and cybersecurity, new spouse, K-12 education, federal employment, and permanent change of station.
The Military Spouse Employment Partnership
This is an employment and career partnership which connects military spouses with hundreds of partner employers. These employers are committed to recruiting, hiring, promoting, and retaining military spouses in portable careers. The partnership works through three components:
- MSEP Job Search on MySECO: Military spouses can search for and apply to jobs with MSEP companies and organizations using this database. Positions are searchable by job title, keyword, location, industry, partner, or job type.
- Spouse Ambassador Network: The Spouse Ambassador Network includes MSEP partners who work to create awareness about military spouse employment challenges, and provide increased career opportunities, support, and career advancement for military spouses.
- MSEP Partner Portal: The MSEP Partner Portal offers resources for existing MSEP partner companies, and information for companies interested in becoming MSEP partners.
The MyCAA Scholarship Program
Up to $4,000 in tuition assistance is provided to eligible military spouses who have successfully completed high school. The MyCAA (links to CollegeRecon) scholarship is available for pursuing a license, certification, or associate degree in a portable career field.
- Scholarships for Military Spouses (links to CollegeRecon)
- Military Scholarships for 2019 (links to CollegeRecon)
The MySECO Website
Find more information and plenty of resources at This site offers valuable information, as well as these resources:
- A Research Occupations tool
- A Scholarship Finder
- My Individual Career Plan (MyICP)
- College Scorecard
- SECO Resume Builder
- MSEP Job Search
If you’re a working or job-seeking military spouse, take full advantage of your MySECO benefits!
- 10 Companies Committed to Hiring Military Spouses
- Reasons To Join the Military Spouse Network
- Military Spouse Employment Act
- Cure for the Most Common Employment Struggles for Military Spouses
- Military Spouse Priority Placement Program
- Military Spouses Grow With Google