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Making the transition from service member to civilian can be challenging. The biggest challenge you will face is launching your new civilian career. The content and tools found at MyMilitaryBenefits can help you focus on the career path that best suits your life, experience and goals while saving time and stress.

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Job Opportunity Info for Veterans, Military and Military Spouses – Get Started

military spouses remote jobs

Remote Jobs Program For Military Spouses

Are you a military spouse working remotely for a small business? Or do you want to work remotely? Are you a small business that has military spouse employees?

The MilSpouse Remote Telework Grant Program is now back, after a pause during 2020. The program’s goal is to help military spouses keep their employment during and after a PCS.  Learn more.

Military Spouse Business

Military Spouse-Owned Businesses

On this Military Spouse Appreciation Day, we celebrate all military spouses and we honor their sacrifices. Additionally, we highlight 5 businesses that are owned and operated by a military spouse!

freedom makers military spouse employment

Freedom Makers: Bringing Freedom of Employment to Military Spouses

What if I were to tell you that there is a veteran-owned organization that can match business owners and entrepreneurs with highly experienced and capable military spouses all over the world? There is such an organization, and they are known as Freedom Makers. Learn more about Freedom Makers!


10 Things Employers Need to Know About Veteran Employees

As a civilian employer who hires veterans, you might be curious about what to expect. Veterans bring an amazing amount of skills to the workplace. They take what they have learned while in the military and apply that to their civilian jobs. Veterans can be a big asset to any civilian company.  As an employer, here are the top 10 things you need to know about your veteran employees.

retraining veterans

Veteran Rapid Retraining and Employment Assistance (VRRAP)

The American Rescue Plan of 2021 was signed into law by President Biden on March 11th. In this law, there is $386 million for the Veterans Rapid Retraining Assistance Program. This new program will be able to offer up to 12 months of training and employment assistance for veterans who are unemployed to enter high-demand occupations. 

Nursing Students: Paid VA Nurse Residency

Nursing Students: Paid VA Nurse Residency

Nursing school is hard, passing the NCLEX is not easy, and working as a nurse is as challenging as it is rewarding. What might be considered the most difficult years of nursing are the transition years between student nurse and competent nurse. The VA Learning Opportunities Residency (VALOR) program supports nurses during these transition years. The program bolsters the training of nursing school by offering additional time to hone clinical skills that are critically important to a successful nursing career.

job Opportunities at the VA

Fellowship & Career Opportunities at the VA

Have you completed an advanced degree? Are you interested in a career helping veterans?  If your answer to these questions is “yes”, then you should consider applying for the VA’s Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.

USO Transition Program

USO Transition Program & 3 Tips for Transition Success

USO Transition Program & 3 Tips for Transition Success The USO Transition Program connects service members and military spouses with over 40,000 resources. A Transition Specialist works closely with service members and promotes smooth transitions from active duty service into civilian communities. The USO Pathfinder Transition Program is will soon be renamed the USO Transition… Read more »

veteran small business

The VA Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Program

The VA continually finds ways to support veterans in various avenues of their lives. Veteran entrepreneurs and small business owners have access to many resources online such as interactive tools, videos, webinars, and other resources. The Small Business Administration (SBA) and VA’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization understands how important these resources can… Read more »