Overlooked Financial Benefits for Veterans in These 6 States

Overlooked Veteran State Financial Benefits – Six States
I don’t know about you, but it seems like we can all use some help these days. With the pandemic still affecting huge swaths of our country, money has been tight. For this reason, I’d like to call your attention to 6 states that offer overlooked financial benefits to their resident veterans.
The Arizona Military Family Relief Fund provides financial assistance to the families of currently deployed service members, as well as military and veteran families for hardships caused by the service member’s deployment.
The lifetime financial assistance limit for service members, veterans, and their families is $20,000. Applicants can receive emergency assistance of up to $3,000 once in a lifetime. Learn more about the Military Family Relief Fund for Arizona.
>> Frustrated with your VA disability rating? Register for a free consultation for help with increasing your rating to get the compensation you deserve. Please go here.
The Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) reports that their most underused state benefit is the Military Family Assistance (MFA) Fund. This benefit provides financial support to Louisiana veterans and their families who are experiencing financial hardships. The MFA can pay up to $10,000 for one claim per active-duty order in a 12-month period.
Applicants must submit a completed application to the Louisiana DVA and include all required supporting documentation. The MFA is funded 100% by private donations from individuals and corporations.
New Jersey
The New Jersey Catastrophic Entitlement is this state’s most underused benefit. Eligible veterans or surviving spouses receive a monthly entitlement of $62.50. A veteran must be a New Jersey resident in receipt of a permanent service-connected disability rating that resulted in one of the following catastrophic disabilities:
- Loss of sight
- Amputation of both hands, both feet, or one hand and one foot
- Hemiplegia and permanent paralysis of one leg and one arm on either side of the body
- Paraplegia and permanent paralysis of both legs and lower parts of the body
- Osteochondritis and permanent loss of use of both legs
- Multiple sclerosis and the loss of use of both feet or both legs
- Quadriplegia
For more information, call (888) 8NJ-VETS (865-8387) or visit the New Jersey Veterans page.
North Dakota
The Veterans Aid Loan is a permanent fund to be used solely for the purpose of making loans to veterans or their widow/widowers, and it is this state’s most underused benefit.
The maximum amount of the loan is $5,000. The interest rate is 8% per annum, and the term limit can range from six months to 48 months. One half of the interest paid will be refunded provided that the loan is repaid under the agreed upon terms.
Contact your Veteran Service Officer (VSO) to apply.
The Director of Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Veterans Programs, Initiatives, Reintegration, and Outreach highlighted this state’s most underused benefit. “A lesser-known but very valuable benefit offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is the Blind Veterans Pension. This program, which only has about 100 enrolled veterans, provides eligible blind veterans a pension of $150 per month.”
Pennsylvania also offers an Amputee and Paralyzed Veterans pension of $150 per month.
The Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) recently increased access for veterans to the state’s Assistance to Needy Veterans Grant program, which provides subsistence payments and other health grants to low income veterans in need of emergency financial aid.
“Recently, Wisconsin suspended several provisions of the program that would prevent or delay payments to veterans who have experienced a loss of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic, giving us the flexibility to help as many veterans as possible during this challenging time,” explained Donald Placidi, Jr., an administrator at the WDVA.
Other States with Financial Benefits for Veterans
Please keep in mind, the states listed here reported in July 2020 of their most underused veterans benefits.
Every state offers fantastic benefits to their beloved veterans, many of which are financial in nature. Please check out the VA’s State Benefits page and follow the link to your state’s Veterans Affairs website. Please take advantage of all the benefits you deserve.
(Image courtesy of Potapova Valeriya via www.123rf.com)
>> Frustrated with your VA disability rating? Register for a free consultation for help with increasing your rating to get the compensation you deserve. Please go here.
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