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VGLI Application Period Extended

extended vgli period

Extension of VGLI Application Period

The VA has extended the Veterans’ Group Life Insurance (VGLI) application period by 90 days.

The extension of the application period ensures all eligible service members and veterans have an opportunity to apply for VGLI despite the widespread upheaval caused by COVID-19.

Under the VGLI application period extension, former service members now have 330 days from the date of separation to apply for VGLI without having a required health review.  It used to be 240 days. For those who have been separated longer, the VA extended the VGLI application period for veterans who can provide proof of good health from 1 year, 120 days to 1 year, 210 days.

According to the VA Insurance Service, veterans can apply for VGLI coverage between June 11, 2020 and June 11, 2021 under the extension.

Unexpected financial challenges as a result of the pandemic have discouraged recently separated service members from applying for VGLI because they were afraid they couldn’t afford the premiums. Additionally, COVID-19 has affected veterans’ abilities to schedule and complete the doctor appointments they need in order to get their medical records to be able to prove eligibility for VGLI.

VGLI gives recently separated service members the opportunity to convert the life insurance coverage they had under the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program into a new, renewable term life insurance policy. It allows them to keep the same coverage amount they had in uniform as long as the VGLI policy premiums are paid. As an added benefit, policyholders can increase their coverage amount by $25,000 every five years, up to $400,000.

The VA says to be eligible to apply for VGLI under the new application deadlines, veterans and former service members must be in at least one of these situations:

  • Had part-time Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) as a member of the National Guard or Reserves, and suffered an injury or disability that disqualified them for standard premium insurance rates
  • Had SGLI while they were in the military
  • Were retired or released from the Ready Reserves or National Guard
  • Were assigned to the Individual Ready Reserves (IRR) of a branch of service, or to the Inactive National Guard (ING). Former United States Public Health Service Inactive Reserve Corps (IRC) members are also eligible.
  • Were put on the Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL)

There are a couple of ways to apply for VGLI. Veterans can apply online through the Office of Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (OSGLI) or the eBenefits website. Applications are also available to download and mail or fax to OSGLI.



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