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How to Improve Your ASVAB Score

ASVAB Score Improvement

Resources to Improve Your ASVAB Score

From at home to a public library, there are many different ways to improve your ASVAB score in as little as a month!

For the 180,000 new enlistments every year it is just as important to prepare yourself for the standardized tests and physical requirements of joining the military, as it is to apply for college. With 5 different branches of military it is important to narrow down the choice of specific job you wish to obtain.

The most important first step in the process is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery or ASVAB. This test directly influence which jobs will be available to you upon enlistment. With a minimum of 31 for the Air Force and Army, 35 for the Navy and Marine Corps and 40 for the coast guard, it is important to achieve the highest score you are able to achieve.

Online ASVAB Practice Tests

Online practice tests are a great place to start. Online practice tests allow you to see the full range of different types of questions and problems you will see on testing day. The practice tests will also time you just like the real thing to make sure you keep within time restraints. With each practice test  being different, you will always be challenged in a way to keep you motivated to learn more.

ASVAB Prep Books and Flash Cards

If you do better with physical books and flashcards, the ASVAB Prep Plus from Kaplan and ASVAB flash cards from Barron’s are available through Amazon.

The prep book, has 6 practice tests an online study bank with over 250 questions and different strategies to use during the test. With this wide range of different study techniques and practice problems there is always something new to learn and improve on.

Barron’s ASVAB flash cards come with over 500 flashcards and 25 new vocabulary terms to make sure you hit all of the sections equally. With all nine subjects covered with questions or problems, answers and explanations there is no room for lack of knowledge in a subject matter. The deck of flash cards comes with a key ring to make them portable, and also allows you to sort the more challenging questions towards the front.

ASVAB Mobile Apps to Help You Practice

If you need to study on the go, then there is an app for that! With over five different free ASVAB practice apps, all of the sub-subjects are covered. Subject specific questions and tests allows you to quiz yourself on the commute to and from school and practice. Together with detailed explanations of each question, you are able to fully understand where you went wrong and improving over time. Some of the apps have a question of the day to keep you on your toes bright and early in the morning to keep you sharp and focused.

Additional ASVAB Practice Tips

Take Time, Be Patient

Treating this test just like another class, by allowing enough time and patience will allow your score to improve.

Get Quizzed

Asking friends and family to quiz you to keep you out of a rut makes the studying more manageable and fun.

Keep in Touch

Keeping in constant contact with your recruiters on how to help you improve both your academic and physical scores will give you an insider edge to navigating this job application.

These different study resources are important to have in your toolbox for success, but they will not study for you.