New Virtual Paid Fellowship for Veterans and Military Spouses

New Virtual Paid Fellowship for Veterans and Military Spouses
Partnering with Salesforce (formerly known as Vetforce), Hiring Our Heroes announced a new paid fellowship program for veterans and military spouses on May 21st.
This program works to mitigate problems like overcoming employment barriers in the military community and bridging the digital skills gap. Unlike many other fellowship programs, this program teaches high-demand skills while providing income.
Applicants are less restricted by geographical location with virtual fellowships. This has always been important for families that PCS often. Virtual opportunities are also important when travel is restricted during COVID-19.
What is a digital skills gap?
COVID-19 has further accelerated the shift to virtual and remote work. Growth in the use of technology has resulted in a divide between human labor and what is accomplished by machines, algorithms, and cloud computing. This translates to a high demand for technology skills and a relative deficit of qualified applicants.
Veterans and military spouses have access to free opportunities for adding certifications to their resumes and qualify them for these high demand, profitable, and portable careers.
The Salesforce Fellowship Program is an innovative program that provides the tools for
veterans and military spouses to capitalize on employment opportunities. Not only does the program fill the rapidly expanding digital skills gap, it aims to connect veterans and military spouses with host companies on a deeper level than filling vacancies.
What is Salesforce?
Substantial growth in cloud computing has arguably contributed to growth in Salesforce – a cloud-based software company focused on customer relationship management. Committed to building in-demand technology skills among military community members, Salesforce builds relationships between its network of talent and companies dedicated to hiring veterans and military spouses.
About the Salesforce Fellowship
This hands-on experience completed virtually over 12-weeks is a paid opportunity. Veterans and military spouses who have completed a Salesforce certification are eligible to apply. If selected, fellows are matched with host companies based on their skill set.
Application Deadlines
- Cohort 1 – November 6, 2021
- Cohort 2 – April 16, 2021
- Cohort 3 – July 1, 2021
Apply for a Salesforce Fellowship.
Host companies benefit from the Salesforce Fellowship. At no cost to their organization, they are connected with qualified professionals and a pathway to a deeper understanding of the veteran and military spouse talent pool.
How to Complete a Salesforce Certification
Verify your status as a veteran, active duty, national guard, reserve, or military spouse with TroopID. Then use Trailhead Military to complete self-paced virtual training and earn vouchers for Salesforce classes and certification exams for free.
For those who need a “softer landing,” Salesforce has partnered with Merivis to offer combined virtual and in-person training in Texas, Washington, and Washington DC. This hybrid format provides active duty, reserve, guard, veterans, and military spouses with a personal coach and successfully passing a certification exam.
How much does the Salesforce Fellowship Pay?
Fellows receive $25 per hour during the fellowship. Participation can open doors for profitable careers. Though salaries vary by location and experience, Salesforce certifications – like Administrator, Developer, or Consultant – can lead to annual salaries over $70,000.
Is the Fellowship Available OCONUS?
Unfortunately, no. Due to local hiring restrictions and SOFA agreements, the fellowship cannot be offered OCONUS.
Salesforce Military Employer Partners
With the goal of accelerating the hiring of veterans and military spouses, Salesforce Military Alliance Partners commit to automatic interviews for Salesforce Military applicants and providing Salesforce training and placement in Salesforce roles for existing military connected employees.
Veteran and Military Spouse Owned Partner Employers include:
- America’s Warrior Partnership
- Blue Star Families
- Cheshire Impact
- Cloud for Good
- Cloud Pathfinder
- Emelar Consulting Group
- Kicksaw
- Liberty IT Solutions
- Merivis
- Provisio Partners
- Shift
- SifData
- SitRep Digital
- The Mission Continues
COVID-19 has led to a recent spike in the number of veterans filing for unemployment benefits. It has also accelerated the shift to virtual and remote work and created paid opportunities to learn skills that can lead to a high demand, profitable, and portable career.