22 Medical Special & Incentive Pays for Military

As a service member, you will receive different types of pay during the course of your military career. There is your base military pay, BAH for your housing, and BAS for food. There are also different special and incentive pays, over 60 of them, which you may or may not qualify for over the course of your military career.
Some of these special military pays only for specific branches, and others you might never qualify for. Many of these pays are to help induce service members into the types of duty involved.
Military Service Members’ Medical Special and Incentive Pays
Accession Bonus for Dental Officers in Critically Short Wartime Specialties
A bonus for dental officers in critically short wartime specialties. This is discretionary pay. This is only for the Navy. Up to $400,000.
Accession Bonus for Medical Officers in Critically Short Wartime Specialties
A bonus for medical officers in critically short wartime specialties. This is discretionary pay. This is only for the Navy. Up to $400,000.
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) Incentive Special Pay
For CRNAs (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists.) This is discretionary pay. Up to $50,000 payable with a 12-month active duty service agreement.
Dental Officer Accession Bonus
For dental officers. This is discretionary pay. Pay is up to $200,000 payable for a written agreement to accept a commission and remain on active duty for a minimum of four years.
Dental Officer Additional Special Pay (ASP)
This is for those who are in dental internship training or residency training for any 12-month period that the officer is serving in active duty. This is entitlement pay. Pay is not to be more than $10,000 a year for officers with less than three years of creditable service. $15,000 per year for the officer that has 10 or more years of creditable service.
Dental Officer Board Certification Pay (BCP)
To help encourage all dental officers to get their board certification. This is entitlement pay. Pay is $2,500 to $6,000 per year, depending on the years the service member has of creditable service. It is paid monthly once the officer becomes board certified.
Dental Officer Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Incentive Special Pay (ISP)
For oral or maxillofacial surgeons to remain on active duty. This is for officers that are entitled to VSP on agreement to remain on active duty for at least a year. May be paid for any 12- month period which the officer is not undergoing internship or initial residency training. This is discretionary pay. Pay will be an annual bonus, up to $75,000 for a 12-month active duty service agreement.
Dental Officer Variable Special Pay (VSP)
An increase in monthly pay for all dental officers on active duty under call or those who have orders for active duty for not less than a year, including those in internship training. This is entitlement pay. Pay ranges from $3,000 to $12,000 annually, which is paid monthly and determined by the years of creditable service. Those O-7 and above have a set amount.
Medical Officer Variable Special Pay (VSP)
An increase in pay for all medical officers on active duty. This is entitlement pay. Pay is from $1,200 to $12,000 a year, paid out monthly, that is determined by years of creditable service. There is a set amount paid to O-7s and above, regardless of years.
Medical Officer Additional Special Pay (ASP)
For all medical officers on active duty who have completed an internship or initial residency training, any specialty, if they remain on active duty for an additional 12-month period. This is entitlement pay. Pay is a flat $15,000 for a 12-month active duty service agreement.
Medical Officers Board Certification Pay (BCP)
An incentive to encourage all medical officers to attain board certification, to gain the highest level of professional competence. This is entitlement pay. Pay is $2,500 to $6,000 a year, depending on the amount of years of creditable service. It is paid monthly once the physician becomes board certified and will receive it as long as they stay certified.
Medical Officer Incentive Special Pay (ISP)
To help close the civilian-military pay gap with critical wartime specialties. This is for officers that are entitled to VSP upon agreement to remain on active duty for at least a year. They will be paid for any 12-month period that they are not undergoing an internship or initial residency training. This is discretionary pay. Pay will be an annual bonus, up to $75,000 for a 12-month active duty service agreement.
Multi-year Retention Bonus for Dental Officers
Incentive pay for dental officers. This is discretionary pay. Pay for dental officers with specialties in oral and maxillofacial surgery, below the O-7 pay grade. They also need at least eight years of creditable service or have completed their ADSO for dental education, training, and initial residency training. Other dental officers can be given the bonus off at the Service’s discretion. The maximum pay is $50,000 a year for a four-year agreement.
Multi-year Retention Bonus for Medical Officers
Incentive pay for qualified physicians. This is discretionary pay. For service members below the O-7 pay grade. Up to $75,000 per year for a 4-year agreement to physicians with over eight years of creditable service or if they have completed their ADSO incurred for medical education and training as well as initial residency training.
Optometrists’ Regular Special Pay
For qualified optometrists. This is entitlement pay. Pay is $100 per month for each month of active duty.
Optometrists Retention Special Pay
For officers who draw Optometrist Regular Special Pay who have completed an initial ADSO for education and training and who also agree to a 12-month active duty service agreement. This is only for the Army and the Air Force. Pay is up to $15,000 per year.
Nonphysician Health Care Providers Board Certification Pay (BCP)
For psychologists and nonphysician health care providers on active duty. This is entitlement pay. Pay will be from $2,000 to $5,000 per year, depending on their years of creditable service. This will be paid monthly. Paid after the officer becomes board certified and continues as long as they are.
Pharmacy Officer Retention Special Pay
For Pharmacy officers, in a pay grade of O-6 or below. This is discretionary pay. Up to $15,000 for any 12-month period.
Pharmacy Officer Accession Bonus
For a pharmacist who accepts a commission, and serves not less than four years on active duty. This is discretionary pay. Up to $30,000.
Registered Nurse Accession Bonus
For RNs who accept a commission, are assigned duty as a nurse, and remain on active duty for a minimum of three years. This is discretionary pay. Can be up to $30,000.
Veterinary Corps Officer Special Pay
For qualified veterinarians. This is entitlement pay. Flat payment of $100 per month of active duty.
Veterinary Corps Officer Board Certified Pay (BCP)
For veterinary officers to obtain board certification. This is entitlement pay. Pay ranges from $2,000 to $5,000 per year, depending on the years they have of creditable service, paid once the officer becomes certified and continues as long as they remain so. Pay is monthly.
If you are in the medical field or would like to be, you could be eligible for these types of pays.
About the author
Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.