Getting A Free Breast Pump With TRICARE

Here is what you need to know about getting a breast pump with your TRICARE benefit:
What Does TRICARE Cover With The Breast Pump Benefit?
TRICARE covers breast pumps and breast pump supplies.
Who Is Eligible For The Breast Pump?
TRICARE beneficiaries that have a “birth event” may qualify. A birth event is a pregnancy or when someone legally adopts an infant and intends to breastfeed the infant. This benefit is for those who have TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TRICARE Reserve Select, or any other TRICARE plan. Your service member can be on active duty, retired, or a member of the National Guard or Reserve.
Where Can You Get The Breast Pump?
The awesome thing about this benefit is that you can get your breast pump from a lot of different places. You can get one from a network or durable medical equipment provider, the Commissary, the Post Exchange (PX,) Base Exchange (BX,) or Station Exchange. You can also get them from a civilian stateside or overseas retail store, or an online store where standard shipping and handling are also covered.
There is no specific list of approved providers, but many online options exist, including but not limited to the below. The list below should not be considered an endorsement of any individual supplier:
How Do You Get Your Breast Pump?
There are a few steps you need to take in order to receive your breast pump.
- Step One – Get a prescription from a TRICARE-authorized doctor, nurse midwife, physician assistant, or nurse practitioner. Your prescription must state whether you get a basic manual or a standard electric pump. To qualify for a hospital-grade pump, you need a special referral and authorization, plus a diagnosis code on the prescription.
- Step Two – Your next step is to find the pump that you want. Contact your regional contractor in order to find a network provider or supplier. Some retailers have a form for you to fill out so that you can easily get your pump after you submit your information and prescription. If you use a military clinic or hospital, you need to follow their procedures to get your breast pump.
- Step Three – If you want to purchase your breast pump ahead of time and receive a refund, submit DD Form 2642, plus a copy of your prescription and receipt. If you don’t have a receipt you will not be reimbursed. If you were not eligible for the breast pump when you bought the breast pump, you may not qualify for reimbursement. Mail all of your paperwork to your TRICARE claims processor and wait for payment from your regional contractor.
Can You Get Any Breast Pump You Want?
This benefit is not limited to a specific manufacturer, brand, or model.
What Breast Pump Supplies Are Covered?
According to TRICARE, these breast pump supplies may qualify:
- One breast pump kit per birth event
- Standard power adapters
- Tubing and tubing adapters
- Locking rings
- Bottles
- Bottle caps:
- Storage bags
- Valves/membranes
- Supplemental Nursing System
- Nipple shields/splash protectors
What Supplies Are NOT Covered?
What Happens If Your Breast Pump Breaks?
You may qualify to get the pump replaced under certain conditions. Contact your regional contractor for more information.
Can You Get A Breast Pump For Each Baby?
Yes, TRICARE allows you to have one breast pump per birth event.
When Can You Get Your Breast Pump and Supplies?
You can get them starting at 27 weeks or up to three years after the birth event. The three-year period starts on the child’s birth date or the date of legal adoption.
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About the author
Julie Provost is a freelance writer, and blogger. She lives in Tennessee with her National Guard husband and three boys.