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The VA Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Program

veteran small business

The VA continually finds ways to support veterans in various avenues of their lives. Veteran entrepreneurs and small business owners have access to many resources online such as interactive tools, videos, webinars, and other resources. The Small Business Administration (SBA) and VA’s Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization understands how important these resources can be for helping Veteran small business owners maintain and grow their businesses.

Office of Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization

This VA program gives you direct access to resources you need to help guide you through entrepreneurship. These resources are designed for step-by-step guidance to save you time. Through this office, you can access the Veteran Entrepreneur Portal (VEP), which is “designed to save you time with direct access to the resources necessary to guide every step of entrepreneurship,” according to VA.gov

The VA offers access to federal resources and services from multiple agencies to quickly get you access to business best practices and other important information. Visit the VEP website to access these valuable resources.


Training and Employment Programs – This is a training and employment program for transitioning military members looking to start civilian employment.

Franchising Opportunities – If you are interested in franchising check out their list of franchising opportunities available to Veterans.

Start a Business – Connects you to resources specific to your small business goals with information on how to start a business.

Access Funding – Helps you find financing resources to develop or grow your small business. Also, find financial resources to help you start a small business.

Grow Your Business – Offers subject-specific information and resources on how to expand your small business.

Corporate Connections – This is a tool to help Veteran small business owners handle internal growth and other internal business activities.

Direct Access Program – Interactive resource tool that allows you to network and establish potential partnerships. Use the VA Direct Access events to meet your business needs further.

Resources for Veterans – Utilize programs designed to help Veteran small business owners as well as services that are available to aid in your small business goals.

How to do Business with Federal Agencies – If your small business wants to seek federal contracts these resources will help teach you how your small business can access these opportunities.

Doing Business with VA – Take advantage of the VA Small and Veteran Business Program and gain information and resources on government procurements and subcontracting.

Vets First Verification Program – VA Set-asides can be an advantage for veteran-owned small businesses seeking federal contracts. Become VA Verified to gain a competitive advantage.

Find Opportunities – Understand the government contracting programs that are available to veterans and find federal contracting opportunities that match your business.

Strategic Outreach and Communications – An interactive resource that allows you the ability to network with the VA and other federal agencies you might want to do business with. Information and resources on doing business with federal agencies are also provided.


Small Business Liaisons are a great tool to use if you need one-on-one guidance or advice regarding doing business with the VA. They have offices across the country. Find an office near you.


Counselors are trained to provide application assistance to Small and Disadvantaged Business Veteran-owned small businesses and veteran-owned small businesses. If you need assistance call counselors, that are located in the state where your business is either licenses or permitted.

There are many advantages to owning your own business as a Veteran and with the recourses provided by the VA with unlimited access to learning sessions and multiple agency resources, you can grow your business internally and externally, allowing you to conquer your small business and entrepreneurial goals.






About the author

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Lori Waddell serves as Co-director of an emergency response COAD in Montana, a freelance writer, and an Air Force Key Spouse. She is passionate about empowering communities and individuals through knowledge and resources. She currently lives in Montana with her husband and two children.